Friday, 30 August 2013


V-COOOL Fashion Mummy Diaper Bag - New Design

RM 65

Available Options

* Color:


Beautiful Saturday here where I am right now... MERDEKA MALAYSIA!! Been working with this pillow since last week, and finally it's complete...

Let me tell you why you should buy this pillow for your little one.. Of course your baby need all the comfort... That's why I used the best quality fabrics for this pillow. Normally you would go to the Baby shop to buy 1 pillow & 2 bolster pillows for your baby, but I re-designed 3 in 1 pillow which is made it more safe for your child. It made it more secure so your baby will not roll or tip over.

You can use this pillow for breastfeeding your child too.. (as picture shown above);

You can purchase this pillow as per set: 1 pillow + 1 pillow cover. They came in many colorful cartoon and flower designs for your own choice..






Friday, 23 August 2013


Customer baru order. Customer pilih kain biasa untuk bantal & kain cotton lembut tebal untuk cover. Total untuk 1 set = RM 230 termasuk pos.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Especially for your Little One..

Dear Value Customers,

It's been a tremendous festival for me & my family this year! What not to like... Great FOOD everywhere you go... Believe me or not; I still have to cook Rendang up till today.. Cookies jar starting to get empty as well... Time to bake more cookies!!

Time flies... Both of my dear sisters getting close to their due date.. I supposed they must be scare & exciting at the same time.. on the other hand, I'm getting so much ideas for both new unborn!! Starting to wandering alone in my own brain.. of course...knowing me... Pillows... So much pillows to decorate their cute baby cot.

So, good news to all mother and expecting mother out there.. With this new pillow, you don't have to worry that your child will roll out of the pillow. It's been design to secure your child.

To All The Macho Guys Out There!!!

To all the Macho husband out there!! Surprise your lovely expecting wife with Maternity Pillows. 

Believe me, she needed that pillow more than you're at this stage... make her pregnancy a comfortable one...

So, why are you waiting for! Get one for her now!

Sunday, 7 July 2013

New Fabric Is Here!!!

Dear value customers,

Selamat pagi semua. I dah pun berada at my desk in my office/my sewing room. Raining....should still be in bed....  Tapi... terlalu exciting pagi ni sebab ada banyak fabric baru untuk di upload...

And ada surprise juga buat you all... Jeng..jeng...jeng...Fabric still Soft Cotton.

Code from the left: AQ01, AQ02, AQ03, AQ04, AQ05
PILLOW + COVER = RM 245 only (1 set)
(Harga termasuk pos untuk EM)

Code from the left: CC01, CC02, CC03, CC04, CC05
PILLOW + COVER = RM 245 only (1 set)
(Harga termasuk pos untuk EM)

I ada 5 design fabric dari jenis kain Cotton. Harga berbeza sikit dari Soft Cotton. Boleh pilih design kat bawah:
Code from the left: NC01, NC02, NC03, NC04, NC05
PILLOW + COVER = RM 200 only (1 set)
(Harga termasuk pos untuk EM)

Happy Shopping!!!

Coming Soon!!!

       Kepenatan...but happy hari ni... Design fabric baru dah pun ada..Very Nice!!! Nak upload mlm ni dah x terdaya dah... kena tunggu esok ye semua!!!

Friday, 5 July 2013

My Favourite..

My favourite design fabric at the moment!! Go green... X sabar nak tunggu design fabric terbaru untuk my pillows.. Harap-harap sampai sebelum Ramadhan bermula..

Oh! Ya! Lupa pulak nak mention pasal Cover Bantal nie.. I guna zip sembunyi 24' supaya senang nak pasang/tukar cover tu nanti..

Have to go back to my sewing room now!!

Bye folks!!

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Because nine months is too long to be uncomfortable....

Assalamualaikum and Good Morning to all the bloggers! It's Friday again..beautiful day out there.. Like the Swedish would all say; Äntligen Fredag!! 

Untuk yg dah purchased Maternity Pillows ni, Tq... & enjoy!!! Dan kepada yang belum...HURRY TO ALL THE MUM'S TO BE!!!

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Confession from your husband....

My wife has been working so hard with her maternity pillows. Two nights ago I end-up saw her dragging one to our bed... First I thought Oh!! No!!..You not sleeping on it, are you?? asked me.. She replied: I need it tonight!! My back is killing me!! So... I have to agree (as always)... The next day, I asked again; How was your night? She said; Oh! No wonder everybody said it's good..It's wonderful!! I slept like a baby!!

Both of my sister-in-law are pregnant to their first child now. Congratulations!!! They both have this pillow for the comfort night sleep. And now I found out that my brother-in-law also bought one for himself.. First impression..weird!!....hahaha... But I decided to think for myself, Why Not...

Lucky we have extra room in the house, which now is full of Maternity Pillows.. So... I also took one with me last night.... we both looked funny (said my son when he came to kiss us goodnight).. It's kind of, I guess..but who cares... Now after experience it myself, I know what the girls are talking about!!! It's amazing how comforting it is... I think my son will soon take one as well...

Still a happy husband..

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H/P       : 013-675 92 55 (9.00am - 9.00pm)

Celebriti dan Bantal mereka..

Jennifer Lopez dalam "The Back-Up Plan Movie"...

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Maternity Pillows

-Selamat Datang Ke- 

Kami ingin membuatkan waktu hamil anda lebih menyelesakan, pilih Bantal Mengandung kami yang terkini untuk membantu tidur anda lebih selesa disaat-saat akhir tempoh anda menantikan kelahiran si Kecil anda.

Ia bukan sekadar keselesaan yang kami berikan, malah ia menjadikan tidur anda lebih nyenyak dan selamat untuk anda dan si Kecil anda.

***** Sangat popular dikalangan ibu-ibu yang mengandung diserata dunia terutamanya di UK dan US. 

Bantal berbentuk C ini sangat sesuai untuk tidur, berehat dan menyusukan si Kecil anda. Kami mengesyorkan kepada anda untuk tidur secara mengiring dengan menggunakan bantal ini kerana ia dapat  membantu meningkatkan peredaran darah ke placenta anda.

Cara-cara untuk menggunakan Bantal ini:

Antara Koleksi-koleksi menarik Bantal kami:


RM 200.00 untuk Bantal
RM 45.00 untuk Sarung
*Disyorkan membeli dengan sarung supaya senang untuk dicuci

FREE DELIVERY untuk semua yang tinggal di Semenanjung Malaysia


RM 20.00 dikenakan bagi yang tinggal di Sabah & Sarawak.

-Bagi yang tinggal di Negara-negara lain, caj akan dikenakan mengikut perkhidmatan pos yang digunakan-


AS 01

AS 02

AS 03

AS 04

AS 05

AS 06

AS 07

AS 08

AS 09

AS 10

AS 11

AS 12

AS 13

AS 14

Cara Untuk Membuat Tempahan:

  1. Sila pilih motif diatas dengan menggunakan kod yang tertera dibawah setiap motif.
  2. Sila nyatakan dengan jelas samada motif terpilih untuk Bantal atau Sarung Bantal. Contohnya; Saya pilih AS 08 - Bantal dan AS 06 - Sarung Bantal
  3. Kami menggunakan perkhidmatan courier segera kepada semua pelanggan kami.
  4. Yang berminat sila hubungi kami dengan mengisi maklumat anda di ruang atas sebelah kanan blog.

Kloe dan Rob Kardashian kelihatan cozy....